I was going over the bonus content today from EmpireFlippers for the PreSold sites, and I noticed the quality varied considerably. Some of the articles barely needed any re-writing, while others were terrible. Here’s a sample of text that was so bad I had to chuck it completely, (the keywords are removed to protect the innocent).
Now I’m not trying to pick on EmpireFlippers, but I’m starting to get why the sites I bought from them aren’t ranking too well. I checked the home pages of those sites and noticed that there’s quite a few sentences that are grammatically incorrect, and a few like those above that just don’t make any sense at all.
I’m betting Google can “see” this as well.
I did manage to find enough time to re-write 5 of the 10 bonus content pieces. I’ve changed the keyword density, (they were using the primary waaaay too often), added some affiliate links, and cleaned up the grammar. On average I also added 44 words to each piece.
What about the keywords themselves? Well, the good news is that they have decent search volumes and a good KC. The bad news is that it’s a real stretch to connect most of them to the primary keyword of the site. Sort of like if you had a website about cars and you were writing an article about surfboards, and at the end you throw in something about how you can buy a rack for your car to hold your surfboard. That’s about as close as these are connected to each other.
Anyway, those are my thoughts at the moment….